
super typhoon中文是什么意思

  • 超级台风



  • 例句与用法
  • Chertoff and fbi director robert mueller said the plot has the earmarks of al - qaida , but that no direct link has yet been established to the terrorist group . super typhoon saomai slams into china ' s zhejiang province
  • Introduction : super typhoon hit rafah twin rabbit has returned , fierce fighting continued explosive start operation guide : keyboard plus mouse control , move the mouse heart - adjusted , d keys to the left of the guns , the left mouse button on the right to control guns , and spaces for a two - center and the switch - heart
    攻略:超级火爆拉风的双枪兔子又回来了,激烈火爆的战斗继续展开操作指南:鼠标加键盘控制,移动鼠标调整准心, d键为左边的枪,鼠标左键控制右边的枪开火,而空格为一个准心和两个准心的切换
  • Super typhoon hit rafah twin rabbit has returned , fierce fighting continued explosive start operation guide : keyboard plus mouse control , move the mouse heart - adjusted , d keys to the left of the guns , the left mouse button on the right to control guns , and spaces for a two - center and the switch - heart
    超级火爆拉风的双枪兔子又回来了,激烈火爆的战斗继续展开操作指南:鼠标加键盘控制,移动鼠标调整准心, d键为左边的枪,鼠标左键控制右边的枪开火,而空格为一个准心和两个准心的切换
  • 其他语种释义
  • 推荐英语阅读
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